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Container and Kubernetes Security

Secure your containers and Kubernetes clusters across the SDLC

Pre-deployment checks on cluster configurations

Validate cluster configurations before any infrastructure is deployed

  • Catch issues in configuration code before clusters are deployed with Amazon ECS/EKS, Azure AKS, Google GKE, or native Kubernetes
  • Leverage Fugue’s prebuilt library of checks mapped to the CIS Docker and CIS Kubernetes Benchmarks
  • Develop custom rules—including multi-resource checks—using Rego, the simple and powerful open source language from Open Policy Agent
Pre-deployment checks on cluster configurations

Runtime infrastructure security

Secure the underlying cloud infrastructure for containers and clusters

  • Visualize and inspect your clusters within a broader infrastructure context—including underlying VMs, IAM permissions, and storage services such as Amazon S3
  • Identify unused resources, including orphaned infrastructure

Tools for security engineers

Ensure that container and Kubernetes security integrates with your engineering tools and workflows

  • Integrate pre-deployment checks into git workflows and CI/CD pipelines with Regula—Fugue’s open source IaC security project
  • Automate security scans with Fugue’s API and CLI tools
  • Send reports and notifications to your team to keep them in the loop