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Fugue, Inc. announced today the first cloud-native technology that manages the full lifecycle of cloud infrastructure to enterprise IT standards. Fugue uniquely operates as the foundation layer for cloud-based enterprise application platforms, offering developers the ability to program and operate their entire cloud infrastructure across compute, storage, network, and data services. Following creation of the required cloud infrastructure, Fugue then automates the enforcement of corporate governance, compliance policies, and change controls.

Fugue consists of:

  • Fugue Compositions, created using Ludwig, a modular, compiled language designed for declaring cloud infrastructure and policies as code. Enterprise IT groups use Ludwig to define a set of cloud infrastructure libraries for specific cloud application requirements. These libraries can be shared and enforced across the organization, ensuring consistency in how cloud resources are consumed.
  • The Fugue Conductor, an orchestration engine that runs within the customer’s cloud account and operates as the “kernel” for cloud environments, continuously automating and enforcing infrastructure and policies. The Conductor, controlled via the Fugue CLI, constantly checks running resources and reconfigures them if changes occur that are inconsistent with Ludwig definitions, preventing configuration and compliance drift.

“As a Fugue design partner specializing in the federal, commercial and non-profit spaces, we see firsthand how regulatory compliance can impede cloud adoption and slow down innovation,” explained Michael Barbine, Senior DevOps Engineer at Excella Consulting. “Fugue’s continuous policy enforcement capabilities in production alleviate cloud adoption blockers and deliver the agility and control that our customers require. Fugue will help our customers fully realize the power of the cloud.”

Because Fugue features a language designed for declaring cloud infrastructure via provider APIs, there are no “black box” abstractions and management constraints. “Fugue is designed to support legacy applications migrated from the data center, today’s cloud-native applications, and future cloud services that we can’t even predict at this time,” said Fugue Co-founder and CEO Josh Stella.

Lars Cromley, Senior Product Manager with 2nd Watch, an AWS Premier Consulting Partner, said, “I’ve worked closely as a design partner with the Fugue team over the last several quarters, and I can attest to the product’s unique ability to manage cloud infrastructure at the API layer across compute, storage, and network services. Fugue will help our customers quickly and efficiently migrate new workloads to the cloud and manage existing workloads at scale while meeting enterprise IT standards.”

Enterprise Cloud – a Core Application Platform

Over the past five years, enterprise cloud use has moved from isolated digital initiatives to scaled-out business-critical applications. “For enterprise IT groups to successfully manage a large collection of cloud resources assigned to different business units, across numerous applications, all at different points in their lifecycle, simply hiring more and more smart people isn’t enough. Infrastructure management today requires that companies empower their smart people with a smarter, more dynamic system such as Fugue,” said Stella.

When managing cloud workloads, most IT organizations attempt to adapt infrastructure management tools designed for traditional, static, on-premise data center environments. Today’s cloud environments, however, are dynamic and elastic, with resource creation and teardown frequency making manual tracking and administration unworkable. Fugue provides a way to design and validate an infrastructure definition in design time and then leverage a runtime component to ensure that all cloud resources are consistent with that definition, with correction executed should resources drift away from the original definition.

The New Era of Containers, Serverless, and Immutable Infrastructure

The Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud service provider abstracts the underlying IT infrastructure and provides services programmers leverage for running their applications. Fugue operates as the layer between the cloud and the services that further automate the deployment and management of middleware, databases, and other services that support applications. Easy to adopt and use, Fugue is widely compatible with existing tools and practices. It streamlines configuration management, container orchestration, and CI/CD workflows.

The reality for the tech community and for the market is that the full value of agility and innovation resulting from moving to the cloud has not yet been realized. Operating at scale in the cloud can be a highly complex and expensive proposition. As more and more enterprises move their applications to the cloud, the need for streamlined, automated management and enforcement of cloud infrastructure has now become business-critical.

“We are entering a new era of cloud computing. The digital economy is driving cloud adoption, yet cloud management technologies have not kept pace with demand for the cloud. We can no longer use point solutions and disparate tools designed for the data center to operate cloud infrastructure. This is where Fugue comes in. Specifically, Fugue allows teams to build, manage, and enforce their cloud by declaring what they need and managing infrastructure as processes,” explained Stella. “Running in the cloud at scale is hard. Fugue makes it simpler.”

Fugue Webinar: Radically Simplify Cloud Operations for the Digital Enterprise

Learn more about Fugue, the new system designed to reduce cloud complexity and operational costs, in an upcoming webinar which will explain:

  • The core components and architecture of the Fugue system
  • Fugue Compositions—declarative programs for creating and collaborating in the cloud
  • How to manage state, compliance, and enforcement with the Fugue Conductor

In addition, specific examples of how Fugue can help reduce costs and streamline cloud ops in a scalable, automated fashion will be provided.

Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern, 10:00 a.m. Pacific Reserve your seat here.

About Fugue

Fugue is a cloud infrastructure deployment and automation system that radically simplifies cloud operations. Teams can use Fugue to declare the desired state of cloud infrastructure in a collaborative, human-friendly programming language. Fugue then automates the provisioning, management, and tear-down of complex cloud environments, as well as the enforcement of infrastructure state and policy compliance. With 8 patents granted and 16 pending, the company continues to meet pressing enterprise computing challenges with its innovative R&D. Fugue is privately held and headquartered in Frederick, MD, with offices in Washington, D.C., and San Jose, CA, and investments by New Enterprise Associates, Core Capital Partners, and the Maryland Venture Fund. To learn more about the company and request product access, visit our landing page,

Press Contacts

Alessandra Nagy
(714) 310-4439

Mandy Dhaliwal Rao
(650) 279-1658

Fugue Developer

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