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    Infrastructure as Code has Shifted Cloud Security Left

    Drew Wright

    Cloud security has long been focused squarely on the cloud runtime environment to keep infrastructure free of misconfiguration vulnerabilities that can open the door to hackers and lead to data leaks and breaches. It is reasonable considering most (if not all) cloud-based security incidents result from customer mistakes in the form of cloud resource misconfiguration. Gartner calls this Cloud Security Posture Management, or CSPM.

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    Announcing Regula: Validate Terraform Policy Compliance with Open Policy Agent

    Drew Wright

    Today we announced Regula, an open source tool for evaluating Terraform infrastructure as code for potential security misconfigurations and compliance violations. Regula uses the open source Open Policy Agent(OPA) policy framework and Rego query language, which have gained significant traction in the Kubernetes community and scale to cloud infrastructure policy assessments as well (Fugue’s SaaS product performs more than 100 million policy evaluations using OPA every day).

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    5 Things Executives Need to Know About Cloud Security

    Phillip Merrick

    For twelve years I’ve held executive management positions at companies making significant use of the cloud. Now I have the privilege of helping lead Fugue, a leading provider of cloud security and compliance solutions. Along the way I’ve found that senior executives—both at technology companies and outside the tech industry—sometimes struggle to understand the security implications of moving to the cloud. It’s common for executives to simply make blanket declarations that the cloud will never be secure enough for them (untrue), or alternatively to hold the belief that the cloud service providers like Amazon, Microsoft and Google take care of all the security issues for you (also untrue).

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    Shift Left on Cloud Security, Part III: Extending into Production

    Josh Stella

    In the last part of this series, we're going to look at the final stages of the software development life cycle (SDLC)—deployment and operations. As a reminder, in parts one and two, we discussed the overall concept of shifting left for security and compliance, and laid out some best practices for how to do so during the development and testing phases of the SDLC. In this post, we'll cover how using policy as code and baselines allows you to leverage all the work done in the earlier phases to prevent deployment of misconfigurations and ensure that your deployed infrastructure remains functional and compliant over time.

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    The 5 Biggest Myths in Cloud Security (And How to Avoid Getting Burned)

    Drew Wright

    Enterprise cloud adoption is in full swing, therefore cloud security and compliance has become a top priority. Security in the cloud requires different approaches than in the datacenter—and a different mindset. Demonstrating this are movements like DevOps, DevSecOps, and Shift Left, which have begun to transform how Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) is done with automation using tools like infrastructure as code and policy as code.

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    Shift Left on Cloud Security, Part II - Phases of the SDLC

    Josh Stella

    In an earlier blog post, we discussed at a high level how security can shift left regarding cloud infrastructure. In this post, we'll drill in with more detail on how this can be done through the discrete phases of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), beginning with the development phase, and extending through testing, and ultimately all the way to deployment and ongoing operations.

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    Free Cloud Security for Engineers

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    • Run policy checks and get feedback
    • Detect change and eliminate misconfiguration